Sunday, June 29, 2008

Saturday 6/29/08

Went to Bar/Club5.

There was TONS for girls out, and super hot too! I was thrilled as it looks like it could be a good night.

Was walking to the bar, this girl grabs my arm and says

"hey, my friend wants you for your body"

"where is your friend at?"

met her friend, chatted.. then that was it.

pretty funny though..

Met this girl named A, we start talking, laughing, having a good time, etc... Made out a couple of times.

My buddy L and I are about to leave, and I ask for her number, she said:

"I don't give out my number"


"I don't give out my number"

"I want to see you again"

"blah blah blah.. fate.. if we run into eachother again...blah blah blah. "

i'm thinking, hahah.. WTF are you talking about, but whatever.

"ok, well, I had a good time, I'll see you later then!"

so to top off one of the lamest rejections, the burrito I got after was super salty.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Friday 6/28/08

My cousin and a friend had a birthday dinner tonight, so I went to that. I know almost everyone one there, but up the stairs comes this couple carrying a toddler that I don't know. At first I didn't think much of it, but the wife looks really familiar.

I talked to her when I bumped into her later in the night. After talking to her a little bit, I remembered that her and I got a little flirty in college. She's still looking pretty good today.


BC came over earlier in the week, it was ehhh.. She doesn't turn me on as much as before for sure, but she does get the job done.

K2 still texts me everyday. She doesn't work next week, so I think I"ll be going there for lunch a couple of times...

Friday, June 20, 2008

Thursday 6/19/08

I've been trying to get a nooner with K2, and today would be a good day as she does not work.

As usual, she write me in the morning. We go back and forth a while

blah, blah blah....

"I'm tired, I need a nap.. "

"maybe you should take a nap over here"

now it's on for sure...

I go over there, we chit chat a little, then we head to bed. Took care of business, and even got a little nap in, and went back to work.. awesome.

on the way home, I was thinking I should get BC to come over tonight. Have sex with 2 girls in 1 day, that's a pretty big accomplishment.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Tuesday 6/17/08

"Good morning sunshine :) how you doin?"

K2 texts me that every morning now... and we have these flirty text banters throughout the day. I'm kind of flattered I guess. It's pretty apparent now that she likes me, but I don't like her in that way. I think I'll drag her along to get sex out of it. I'd rather have sex with her than BC because she's someone new. I know it's a dick move, but I'll chalk it up as a learning/life experience.

Speaking of BC, I need/should have BC come over these days, but I don't really feel like it, and I can sense that she's going to text me any day now, I kind of dread it.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Tuesday, 6/10/08

BC texted me wanting to come over. Though it's been a while since we had sex, I still wasn't really looking forward to F-ing her.. but oh well... I texted her to come by later.

She comes over, we do our thing. She was ALL into it, and she finishes first.

Then, I noticed a change in her attitude.. She turned the table and is acting like SHE wanted to get the F out of there.. lol.. doing things half assed, restless, wasn't into it. But I haven't finished yet.... so I just sat back and relaxed as she finished me off half assed..

As she left, she said something like, "you shouldn't deprive me anymore...." haha.. wtf..??

Monday, June 9, 2008

Friday 6/6/08

K2 texts me quite often, almost everyday, and today was no different.

So she texts me during work, wanting to hang out after work, (as usual..) and I kind of don't want to (as usual..), but then she suggested that I go over and she'll make dinner... hum... I'm thinking, this is an unusual request... so I told her maybe.

After work, my friends talked about going to a bar to hangout, and I wanted to go. So I called K2 telling her that I can't make it to her dinner, but I'll call her after I'm done, and she was cool with that.


Met my friends at Bar/Club6.

Went there, just hung out, shot pool and BS'd. It was pretty filled there. I see a large group of people walking up all dressed up, and this one girl catches my eye. No biggie, went back to BSing with my friends. A little later, I see her in the vicinity, so I keep my eye on her. She did catch me eyeing her a couple of times, but she didn't do anything, and I didn't pursue her any more.


They close at midnight, and we take off, I called K2 to see what she's up to. Asked her to come over, she goes:



"but it's so late"

"so? we'll have a slumber party!"


"come over, it'll be fun!"

"alrite.. how do I get there?"

I'm thinking.. whattt? did she said she'll come over!?!? .. I was kind of in disbelief that she is coming over this late.

she arrives a little later, I'm now thinking... IT'S ON NOW for sure...

Gave her a tour of my house, then went to watch TV upstairs. We cuddled while watching TV, and fell asleep. I woke up, suggested we go to bed, and off to my bedroom...

We get into bed, cuddled some more, then started making out, hand all over each other, then gradually worked my way off the bra, pants, then her underwear...... after we were done, I thought.. WOW... I just F'd a 21 year old..

then we both fell asleep.

I wake up in the morning, I'm thinking.. I better hit it again while she's still here.. so I worked my way in.. (lol.. literally and figuratively)

After we're done, she went back to sleep, but I couldn't sleep, I was thinking how the F can I get her out of my house?? gracefully?!?!

Texted my friend Q for some ideas, and he suggested that I tell her that my parents are coming over, and to start cleaning.. LOL.. SWEET IDEA!!..

So I got up and started cleaning.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Saturday 5/31/08

Went to Bar/Club5, met my buddy L there.

Ran into K3 there, met her friends, one of them, M2, I really like, really pretty, awesome smile, talked to her a little. But I think she's got a boyfriend.


Went over to the other section to find L, on the way there, I noticed these 2 girls really grinding it up with eachother, one blond, one brunette. The blond sees me looking at her, I gave her a smile, she smiles back, I gave her a look and a grin as I walked towards L, she's liking it, she smiles back again. I find L, we get a drink, BSing, I spot out the blondy, it was easy because she's already spotted me.. now I'm thinking, fuck... I've got to go dance with her.. I BS with L and his friends some more. Then I reluctantly went over. I went up behind the blondy grinding her up a little, she was digging it, then somehow I ended up between the blondy and the brunette. I was trying to move with the music, but they were doing all the work, so that worked out good.. that was fun while it lasted.

I can't dance, that's why I hate going out to the dance floor. So I've got to figure out another way to approach the girls in these situations...


I find L back near the bar, he was talking to these girls, I go join them. It's a group of bachelorette party. Chatted with them a bit. Met this girl names M3, cute little brunette. BSd them a little, then they want to go dance... ugh.. luckily, I see K3 and her friends, so I went over there, didn't see M2 though... Chatted with them a little and they were on their way out. So then I go find L. He's dancing with the bachelorette party..

ugh.. I've got to go dance again.. oh.. what the hell, I'm nicely buzzed, M3 is cute, so I went over there.

I got M3's number at the end of the night. not sure if I'll call her.

I really like M2, I could date her. I've got to find a way to meet/see her again without seeming too creepy.