Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Tuesday 9/23/08

BC came over last night.

I can't and couldn't fuck her. The newness has definitely worn off for sure, and little things here and there just turns me off about her. So I just told her to give me a blow job. After I was done, she asked me what's wrong. I wanted to say "stress, work, blah blah" but I've said that one too many times and I'm sure she's heard that one too many times, so I just told her what was on top of my head, was that the smell of her sweat. I know she takes a shower before she comes over, but she breaks a sweat I think from sucking my dick, and honestly, the smell of her sweat turns me off. (I would like to add that not all girl's sweat turn me off.)

probably not the smartest thing and definitely a poor choice of words.

she storms out of my house... we'll see what happens today..

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