Monday, March 2, 2009

Saturday, 2/28/09

Went to this new place, Bar/Club12 - WOW.. soo many hot girls there, it was overwhelming. Super packed too.

Met this girl named J4, she's pretty, we chatted for a long while, lots in common, she's lives in the town where I was from (2hours away) So I suggested we do lunch tomorrow (Sunday) before she leaves, and she was cool with that. Got her card.

Met this other girl, don't remember her name, actually, don't remember exactly how we met. we chatted a bit, and that was it..

Later that night, I was finding my friends after I got my drink, I walked through the dance floor, I get pulled to dance by (the girl I don't remember the name) As you probably know, I don't like dancing, not going to pretend that I dance. and so I was doing my thing with her for a little, then had enough then took off.. (retarded, I know)

AND THEN.. I see J4, and she wanted to dance too.. So we chatted a little and did my thing with her a little too, and said "I've got to do go find my friends... " (or something) and bailed...

WTF.. TWO times this happened, I'm obviously throwing away an opportunity to get some. I'm not sure what the hell else to do.. I told my friend J what happened and he thinks I'm retarded too.. but suggested that I can say "hey, I've got to go find my friends, why don't you give me your number, I'm not sure if I"ll see you again".. which is.. pretty smoooth..

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